Saturday, February 9, 2013

Consolidated Mailbox for "Paperless" Documents

Every company now wants us to "go paperless" which saves paper, postage, and, in some ways is better for customers to find the documents.  However, the companies do not actually send the statements in e-mail, but require customers to go to their web sites to view the documents. My "paperless" companies include brokerages, utilities, banks, insurance companies, credit cards, travel affinity point systems, and web services.  There are a lot of problems with this process, it works well when we have only one or two companies sending us "paperless" statements.  But when we get a bunch of companies, it becomes a big problem.  .

The Problem:

  1. Each company requires a log-on and password, using different rules for creation of them both.  Some require numbers in log on, some don't. Some use special symbols, some don't. Security advisers tell us to use different passwords for each site, so we have hundreds of passwords.  Passwords on some sites "expire" after a while.  So consumers now need a bizarre array of log-ons and passwords in order to manage their "paperless" services.
  2. Meanwhile, I receive e-mail from each company that floods my inbox with distracting messages telling me I have a statement on their web site.  Some statements require actions, such as paying a bill.  Others are simply monthly "status" statements for bills that are automatically paid. Many statement notifications are the CYA notices that some policy has changed, such as "privacy policy."   Even worse, other "statements" are simply advertising "spam" from the company, since they have our e-mail address, and they want to sell us on other products.  
  3. Companies don't guarantee to keep statements forever, but often delete statements after so long.   If several years later, I need a copy of a stock purchase confirmation for tax purposes, will that statement still be there?  If I need utility bills to prove a tax deduction on a a rental home I no loger own, with the water company still have my bill statements?
  4. Even if a company does maintain copies of statements, will I still have access to it?  If I change stockbrokers, would I be able to still log on to the "old" stockbroker account that I no longer do business with?  Would I still remember the log-on and password?  
  5. In order to view and maintain those statements, I will have to log on to 30 or 40 web sites on a regular basis, and download all of the applicable statements.  Then I have to file those statements so I can find them again years later.
  6. Where do I file those statements?  I could keep them on my computer hard drive, but what happens if the computer crashes?  I could save up each year of statements and burn them all onto  a CD.  That takes time, and then I have to keep the CD somewhere safe.  Why not simply keep them in "the cloud?"
  7. Keeping statements in "the cloud" works well, but it, also, is time-consuming.  I have to download the documents first, usually rename the documents to something that is easy to remember, then I have to upload them to a folder in my Google Drive.  
A solution:
We need a "statement consolidation service"  which I will call "SCS" to pick up all of our statements, file them in an orderly manner in our Google Drive, and keep them as long as we might need to keep the documents.  I believe Google is in a unique market position to create and operate such a service. 

How Statement Consolidation Service (SCS) Works:  
  1. Customer maintains a database on SCS that has their log-on and password for each company or service. Customer uses their Gmail address for statement alert mailings.
  2. SCS creates an agreement with companies to allow SCS to download the statements from their site,  Agreement may also include a more direct, encrypted download system, that would bypass the user's original log-on and password.  Otherwise, SCS will have to assist customer with password management, by notifying customer if/when passwords need to be changed etc.  
  3. E-mail from those companies that announce that a statement is ready is flagged by Gmail (as a filter) and could trigger SCS to go to the company's web site to download the statement.  Otherwise the e-mail will be maintained in a "statement alert" folder in Gmail
  4. Downloaded statements will be filed in a special folder in Google Drive, and be tagged appropriately. Tag for each company, type of document, and whether or not action is required
  5. SCS will create one automated e-mail that will summarize the statements received.  User can opt to receive the summary daily, weekly or monthly.  User could opt to have statements that require immediate action sent immediately
  6. The SCS summary statement will have hyperlinks so user could simply click on the link to see the statement in Google Drive
  7. SCS could keep track of which statements customer has already seen, by color change of hyperlink, for example
SCS could make improvements that would help customer, and the associated companies.
  1. Work with companies to convert from pdf statements to xml statements, so SCS software could more easily sort and organize data.
  2. Allow user to quickly create tables and graphs showing expenditures, such as utility consumption
  3. Allow user to categorize expenditures and produce statements, such as: how much did I spend on utilities for my rental property in Oceanside CA?  Summarize all of my travel affinity "points" in all of my accounts right now.
  4. Could link Google Finance with the brokerage accounts and bank accounts to enable combined financial statements like Quicken does, but would always be current to latest statements.  Google Finance could then allow customers to chart net worth, and maybe even predict cash flow for the next few months. 
  1. Service will be very sticky -- after setting up such a service, customers will not want to leave their Google Service.  Customers will want to have all of those SCS files available
  2. Google will know more about each customer:  Where they travel, which point services they use, who they bank with,  which utilities they use, etc
  3. Google may be able to tap those customers to use Google wallet to pay for some of those utilities
  1. Companies will not be obligated to maintain records for their current, or previous customers, since SCS will be maintaining them

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