Saturday, February 5, 2011

Website for Homeowner Association Balloting

It amazes me how easy it is to vote my common stock proxies via The system seems very secure, so that corporations don't fear that ballots could be forged or altered. Millions of shares are voted daily with confidence.
However, for homeowner associations--particularly in California, we are saddled with a complex "double envelope" system that requires signatures on the outside of the first envelope etc. Depending upon the CC&Rs and Bylaws, many associations are required to hire outside experts to act as "Inspector of Election" and oversee the counting of ballots. It seems to me that we badly need a good, secure web site, operated similarly to proxyvote, where an association could operate an election.
I envision the web site to allow an association to upload a list of owner's names, addresses, and e-mail addresses -- current as of the "cut off" date for the election. The association would pay a fee --per owner, and then upload the ballot issues. The web service would mail & e-mail ballots to all owners, and accept both e-mail and snail mail ballots. Hopefully most owners would vote via e-mail.

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